Threads and Conversations
Skills can notify the hub that their response is awaiting one from the user (like a confirmation, or a selection). For that, they need to create a Thread stored by the hub, via the overseer they can require. This will create a unique thread id that the skill must return to the adapter. The adapter will then activate the "conversation mode" for the next reply, and send it to the /converse
endpoint with the thread id they received. The hub will call the skill handler defined for this thread at his creation.
Create a conversation in a skill
To handle a conversation for your skill, you first need to declare a new interaction with the skill.addInteraction(name, handler)
. The name, once again, has to be unique accross all skills. The handler is a Function(thread, { phrase, data })
that returns a Promise to a response object:
module.exports = (skill) => {
skill.addInteraction("lang-selection", (thread, { phrase, data }) => {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const knowLanguages = ["french", "japanese", "english"];
if (phrase === "quit") {
return {
message: {
text: "Alright!"
} else if (phrase && knowLanguages.includes(phrase)) {
// Here, we will call our hello command while populating the arguments of the command with the language.
return skill.handleCommand("hello", { phrase: phrase, data });
} else {
// Return a message that will continue this conversation by passing the given thread object.
return {
message: {
text: `I don't know this language, sorry. I can only talk in: ${knowLanguages.join(", ")}. Please select another one or quit.`,
interactive: true,
thread: thread
}).catch(err => {
return {
message: {
text: "Something went wrong, I'm sorry."
To create a new conversation using the created handler, populate the message object with interactive: true
and a thread
The thread
object expect the phrase that solicitate the conversation in source. You can store data in this thread as [[key, value]] array. You can set a duration and a timeout_message to display if the thread timeout. Finally, you must specify the name of the handler.
// Code in the skill logic
return {
// return the message with the thread parameters to create a thread
message: {
// interactive true, required to create a thread or continue a thread
interactive: true,
// thread parameter, required to create a thread
thread: {
// The source phrase that created the thread, ( optional )
source: phrase,
// Eventual data to add to the thread, ( optional )
data: [[data_un, 42], [data_deux, "data_deux"],
// the handler, REQUIRED, ie the name in the interaction object above
handler: "lang-selection",
// duration of thread before timeout ( optional, default set to 30 )
duration: 10,
// The time out message ( optional )
timeout_message: "Contact me again if you need something."
title: "Select a language",
text: "In what language should I say hello in?"